451 Media Group Comics

451 Media Group is the Brainchild of Director Michael Bay and His Business Partners. 451 Media Group Publishes Cutting-Edge Interactive Comic Books and Graphic Novels.  Here We Present a Selection of the Best Comic Books That 451 Media Group Has Published So Far.

Michael Bay, director of Transformers, brings comic book fans a totaly new concept in the comic book world, interactive comics and graphic novels. In addition to Bay, the company’s founding partners include John and Anthony Gentile and 451 CEO Douglas Nunes. 451 Media Group , a new digital media company is hitting comic book shops everywhere, and selling like hot cakes.

The company was first announced this spring with with a large investment from China’s Guangdong Alpha Animation. What makes 451 different from any other graphic novel publisher? Its content, and the way we it is given to you. The new interactive division will use Touchcode technology from T+ink to allow readers of 451’s content to use their smartphones to unlock exclusive content housed on the Machinima Network. Every week 451 will be releasing original content for it's titles. Motion comics, interviews with the writer, live action trailers, you name it! This new concept will deliver fans additional story material, blend the narrative across mediums, or create mixed-media content bridging print and video.

The company has already inked partnership deals with the likes of screenwriters Scott Rosenberg (Con Air), Skip Woods (X-Men Origins: Wolverine), best-selling author George Pelecanos (The Wire) to develop IP. The deals will be structured to  provide opportunities for revenue participation that writers and artists normally don’t receive.

451 has published some great titles in 2015; Sunflower, Bad Moon Rising and Self Storage and the plans for 2016 are mind blowing. Tales from Beyond the Pale, The Warriors and Lets Scare Jessica To Death are just a small spattering of whats in store for the future.

White Dragon Comics is proud to offer comic book fans the latest in comic books from 451 Media Group. Take your time look over all the products offfered and find the perfect title for yourself or a friend.

Bad Moon Rising #  2 of 6 (451 Media Group 2015)Bad Moon Rising # 2 of 6 (451 Media Group 2015)
Bad Moon Rising #  3 of 6 (451 Media Group 2015)Bad Moon Rising # 3 of 6 (451 Media Group 2015)
Bad Moon Rising #  4 of 6 (451 Media Group 2016)Bad Moon Rising # 4 of 6 (451 Media Group 2016)
Bad Moon Rising #  5 of 6 (451 Media Group 2016)Bad Moon Rising # 5 of 6 (451 Media Group 2016)
Bad Moon Rising #  6 of 6 (451 Media Group 2015)Bad Moon Rising # 6 of 6 (451 Media Group 2015)
Humbug # 1 (451 Media Group 2015)Humbug # 1 (451 Media Group 2015)
NVRLND # 1 of 4 (451 Media Group 2016)NVRLND # 1 of 4 (451 Media Group 2016)
NVRLND # 2 of 4 (451 Media Group 2016)NVRLND # 2 of 4 (451 Media Group 2016)
NVRLND # 3 of 4 (451 Media Group 2016)NVRLND # 3 of 4 (451 Media Group 2016)
NVRLND # 4 of 4 (451 Media Group 2016)NVRLND # 4 of 4 (451 Media Group 2016)
Self Storage #  2 of 6 (451 Media Group 2015)Self Storage # 2 of 6 (451 Media Group 2015)
Self Storage #  3 of 6 (451 Media Group 2015)Self Storage # 3 of 6 (451 Media Group 2015)
Self Storage #  4 of 6 (451 Media Group 2016)Self Storage # 4 of 6 (451 Media Group 2016)
Self Storage #  6 of 6 (451 Media Group 2016)Self Storage # 6 of 6 (451 Media Group 2016)
Stained # 1 (451 Media Group 2017)Stained # 1 (451 Media Group 2017)
Stained # 2 (451 Media Group 2017)Stained # 2 (451 Media Group 2017)
Stained # 3 (451 Media Group 2017)Stained # 3 (451 Media Group 2017)
Stained # 4 (451 Media Group 2017)Stained # 4 (451 Media Group 2017)
Stained # 5 (451 Media Group 2017)Stained # 5 (451 Media Group 2017)
Sunflower # 6 (451 Media Group 2016)Sunflower # 6 (451 Media Group 2016)
Note: All prices in US Dollars
Copyright © White Dragon Comics,
Long Pond, PA
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